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Monday, August 24, 2015

Globe article on Physician Assisted Suicide

Massachusetts is again trying to legalize Physician-Assisted Suicide.  The Boston Globe North edition recently published an article presenting both sides of the issue.  In favor was Rep. Kenneth Gordon. You can read the article and vote in the poll here.  This is my response (published in the poll comments since I do not have a Globe account):

Rep. Gordon's story is so touching.  It is hard to see those we love suffering, as it is hard to suffer. Since that was the last conversation he had with his father, suicide was not necessary as it was illegal and he must of died very shortly thereafter.  Your tender care for your father through his suffering is admirable; the though of you ending his life would be so incongruous with your great love for him.

Let us imagine another man and woman around the sick bed of an unconscious person.  The man says, "Yeah, when my dad croaks I'll be getting what he loved more than me...his money."

"Cool," the woman replies. "All I have to do is sign?"

"Yep, and then you'll get the cash."

"Did you get two docs to sign on?"

"Finally.  My dad's doc wouldn't do it so I called Compassion and Choices.  They hooked me up with another doc into this suicide stuff.  Paperwork is all set."

"Great!  Let's get the drug and get it into him."

The so-called "safeguards" are not safe at all.

We must care for the lives of our loved ones until their natural death--ease their pain, suffering with them.  That is what it means to have the strength to really love someone and not turn away in our weakness because we cannot bear it.  Our world will grow in compassion to all because of it, as Rep. Gordon exemplifies.  Let us not misplace that compassion from caring for life to ending it.

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